Sunday, May 15, 2011

The friendless crow

once up on a time there was a crow.he wished for new thing in life.when he was flying over the beautiful jungle he saw some peacock feathers lying down on the ground.then he had a trick.he picked up all the feathers.he found the mango tree.with the gum of the tree he stuck all to his tail.front part was already black.he looked like a peacock.he belive that he could cheatthe peacock.he went near them.he tried to dance but could not.they recognized him immediately.all the peacocks made fun of him and teased.finnally they drove him away.felling ashamed he went to his own kindamong crows.he could not adjust there too.he had peacock feathers in his tail.crows also did not accept him as one of there kind.he was driven away from everywhere.he was very sad.he was left alone.he was friendless.he suffered for pretending for what he was not.

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