Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bob Marley Quotes


Information about Bob Marley

Bob Marley is known first and foremost as one of the most innovative and well known reggae musicians of all time. Much of his work dealt with the struggles of the poor and the powerless. Bob Marley and the Wailers helped make reggae mainstream, taking it beyond the borders of his homeland, Jamaica. He was also a well-known devotee of the Rastafarian faith, preaching brotherhood and peace for all mankind. Marley was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in 1977, but it was kept secret until he collapsed in New York's Central Park four years

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Life Quotes

Quote of the Day

"To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity."
Douglas Adam
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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Cherry Lane Keepsakes

Love Poems - for Him or for a Girl


Love poems that tug the heart string and ignite the soul

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” may say just what you’re thinking, but if the love of your life knows his or her Shakespeare, you may find yourself all alone and wondering “what light through yonder window breaks.”

That’s because the real line of love spoken by Juliet was actually, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

Thankfully, you don’t have to recall your high school English class to find the perfect love poems. Love poems can easily be found on the Internet these days, and if you go to the right site, you don’t even have to know the author or the poem. All you have to do is punch in the words you remember of your favorite love poems, and voila! – back comes the search result containing the love poems that will make the love of your life swoon and fall madly into your arms.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Funny Quotes

  • the computer once beat as at chess but it was no match for me at kick boxing. (not a clue!)
When I died . I want to gone peacefully likes my Grandfather did he sleep ,  not screaming, like the passengers in his car.

  • booger  is a like a love
  •  stupid people , it has no stupid question .

Saturday, July 2, 2011

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

phrase Pretty Little Liars

preety little liars is american mystery teen drama television series created by Marlene king.the popular series of novels written by Sara Shepard . pretty little liars series follow the lives of four girls.the four girls are hanna , aria ,spencer and all family.but four girls- hanna , aria , spencer clique falls apart after the disappearance of their leader.the leader is there year they begin receiving various messages from someone using the name "A" who threatens to expose their secrets.originally book packing company developed as a television series. the company alloy entertainment.desperate housewives was descrived this idea for teens.preety little liars[tv series]based on the novels premiered on ABC Family on June 8, 2010.
Watch Pretty Little Liars

Monday, May 30, 2011


<a href="">Static Contraction Review</a>

Sunday, May 15, 2011

ant and grassshopper

once up on a time there were two two friends.they were an ant and a grass shopper.they were living in the same garden.thought they were god friends there was a strong difference between them.the ant was hard working one.he worked all summer and collected food for was good beacause he could use the food in winter whem it is difficult to find any.without caring about food the grass shopper spent the summer by singing and dancing.therefore he didn t have any food in winter.he went his friend ant and begged food from him.the ant was angry.he told the grassshopper to go and dance.he didn t give any food.the moral of the story is that we must not waste our time.working on time is good for other time

Three artists

once there was three artists.they lived in a city.they were all skilled artist.they held a competition to decide who was the best artist among them.there was a prize declared for the winner.the judge was also appointed for this purpose.
Competition of the artisted flower.second of them painted a fruit.last of them painted a picter of curtain.during the observation they found the flower so natural that a bee sat on for honey.fruit was also so natural that an ox tried to eat it.the judge praised all these things.then he went and saw the was so real that he tried to move it to enter the room.flower deceived the insect.fruit deceived the beast but the curtain deceived an intellectual man like him.thus the third artist won the prize.
Thus the moral is that intelligence is required even in art

The friendless crow

once up on a time there was a crow.he wished for new thing in life.when he was flying over the beautiful jungle he saw some peacock feathers lying down on the ground.then he had a trick.he picked up all the feathers.he found the mango tree.with the gum of the tree he stuck all to his tail.front part was already black.he looked like a peacock.he belive that he could cheatthe peacock.he went near them.he tried to dance but could not.they recognized him immediately.all the peacocks made fun of him and teased.finnally they drove him away.felling ashamed he went to his own kindamong crows.he could not adjust there too.he had peacock feathers in his tail.crows also did not accept him as one of there kind.he was driven away from everywhere.he was very sad.he was left alone.he was friendless.he suffered for pretending for what he was not.

A king and the spider

once up on a time there was a king.he was brave.he was loved by people too.he was a wise king.yet his luck didn’t help him.his enemies defeared him.the king tried to get the kingdom back again for five times more.every time he was defeated.he was losing his heart.he left the effort and went to hide in a cave.he was sitting in one corner of the opposite corner he saw a spider trying to climb upto the ceiling.the spider failed in its effort six times.the king was counting the efforts.on the seventh effort it was able to climb up to the ceiling.the king learnt the truth that one must not lose his heart at the time of failure.he restrored his strength and courage.he tried once more.finally he succeeded in his effort."patience"and""courage"are necessary to succeed in life.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

blind lady

once upon a time an old lady became blind.she couldn t see anythings at all. she called in a doctor to treat her eyes.she agreed to pay a large amount of fee if the doctor cured her eyes.but she said that she would give nothing if her eyes were not completely cured.the doctor used to come daily.there was a lot of beautiful and valuable furniture in the ladies house .the doctor put his eyes on the lady s furniture.he delayed the cure.everyday he used to take away her furniture after a long time he cured her eyes at last and demanded his fees.but the lady refused to pay him saying her cure was not completed.the doctor brought the case at the coart the judge asked why she wouldn t pay him.she explaimed that her sight was not properly restored beacause she couldn t see all her furniture in the house the judge gave the verdict in her favour. In the other word the doctor did not get any fee.from this story we can learn a moral lesson much wants more and lose all

the fox and the graps

once there was a fox.he lived in a forest. When he was hungry he stole into a village that was beside the junjle.he was clever and energetic too.very remarkably he was confident that he would succeed in every thing that he would try day he was very huangry .earlier in the morning he stole into the village.then he entered a the garden he saw a grapevine.he was very happy.he could feed himself with the grape.he believed that those grapes were delicious.he went near the vine.he looked up and guessed the height.he attempted first time.he could not reach.he made second effort but he was failure again.he try many times but he was disappointed.he felt for his honger again however he walk away saying the graps were sour to eat.

gready boy

once their was a boy.he was very crazy for food and fruit.he would be walking here and their in the room for food .one day he saw a jar in one corner of the kitchen room.he looked into the had nuts inside.he looked outside.he didn t see anyone.all were in the bedroom.feeling that mother would come any moment he put his right hand into the jar.he took a handful nuts.he tried to take out the hand as quickly as Possiable.he could not take out his hand there were two causes is that jar had amarro neck.secondly his hand was full of nuts.he didn t realize any one them.he was greedy.he wanted to have the nuts at once.he felt that his hand was trapped in.he started to cry.mother came and freed him for the jar.she explained him the reason.then she taught that he most not be greedy.

lazy people

once there was a king.he was much disappointed for his people were lazy.he wanted to teach them a lesson.he had abig stone put in themiddle of the road one might.the next daymerchants passed andwent round officerdriving his cardid the same.a young soldier came cycleing he also passed and went round it all cursed the stone and blamed the government for not removing it.then the king came himeselve and he had the stone removed.many people watch it.there was an iron box under it .it marked"for the man who moves away the stone."inside the box there was a purse full of money.the people were ashamed.moral of the story is that we must not be lazy.working people are rewarded and lazy people lose a greate deal 

Merchant and rain

once there was a merchant.who was riding home from a fair.he was coming back from the fair after selling his good there.he had a large sum of money with him.while he was still on the way there was suddenly hevy rainfall.the merchant got wet.everything with him was wet.even the money was wet.he startedgrumblings.he curse the the same time of heavy rainfall the man was attacked by a robber.the robber attempted to shoot him down.luckily he was saved by the rain.all the attempted failed because powder of the gun was damp in the rain.he could not shoot the merchant.the merchant escaped from the rubber easily.
We have bad notion of cursing all the things of nature.we think of negitave side of many things.however these things have positive site too.the moral of the story is that we must think of positive side of a things too.the merchant grumbled aginst the rain but that proved a blessing to him.


once there was a farmer.he had several sons.these sons alaways quarreled among themeselve.the farmer was sad.he was worried of the future of day he fell ill.he was so serious that he was taken to hospital.he was at the stage of death.when the farmer felt that he was dying he called his sons and gave a bundleof sticks.he told them to break the sticks.all tried but could not break the bundle.after that the man untied the bundle and gave them the sticks separately.each of them broke the sticks easily.they felt easy to break themseparately.moral of the story is that united we survive and divided we are destroyed.if we are united living together we can do well.we are destroyed by other and also by ourselves if we live divided.